Considered prestigious in sports medicine, the international traveling fellowship offers the chance to learn from global sports medicine experts and further their knowledge through clinical immersion at renowned facilities.
By Robert Israel, M.D.
USA Health Integrative Health and Wellness
This recipe is as it says – any combo that you have in the fridge and pantry. It is one I go to often as a cornerstone of the MIND diet and any plant-forward diet. I usually try to save leftovers, so I can have a serving on toast with hummus or a soft egg the next morning. Eating greens and beans every day requires a plan!
This is great as leftover, and it can be added to other greens after they have cooked. It is also good with whole grains, like farro, brown rice and with whole-grain pasta.
Note also, with this skeleton of a recipe, you can change any ingredient to taste. Any allium can substitute for the yellow onion. Red onions add a little tang. Garlic adds sweetness, and scallions and/or leeks are a great choice as well. Each of those changes the flavor just enough to keep it interesting.
Garbanzos are great, but any bean works. I tend to stick to white beans because I like the contrast, but black beans and or red beans will work just as well.
Try it different ways and remember your favorites.
This also works very well with small amounts of sausage, leftover chicken or turkey, and if you do this, it can become the main course.
Considered prestigious in sports medicine, the international traveling fellowship offers the chance to learn from global sports medicine experts and further their knowledge through clinical immersion at renowned facilities.
“We could not be prouder of our residents. They've worked so hard and truly earned their top choices,” said Haidee Custodio, M.D., pediatrics residency program director at USA Health.
The event, set for March 22, raises funds to assist dialysis patients in need.
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