“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel.
At USA Health, our experienced plastic surgeons focus on improving the function or appearance of the body through reconstructive or cosmetic techniques.
Whether you're considering plastic surgery for cosmetic enhancements such as tummy tucks, face lifts, liposuction, breast enhancements, or you need reconstruction following surgery for cancer, traumatic injuries or congenital anomalies, our surgeons are trained and experienced at using the latest techniques to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Our hours of operation are Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Our surgeons are also educators in the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine at the University of South Alabama. Visit the Department of Surgery to learn about its academic mission, residency and fellowship programs.
Meet the providers who treat patients at this USA Health location.
Birthmarks, abnormal breast development, hand deformities and deformed ears are among common congenital problems that can be corrected by plastic surgery. Children born with a cleft palate or lip can also benefit from reconstructive surgery, which should be performed while the child is young.
For patients who have undergone removal of a breast due to cancer or another disease, breast reconstruction offers them another step toward recovery. Our surgeons use advanced medical techniques and devices to recreate a breast that closely matches the patient’s natural breast in both appearance and form.
For many of the trauma cases that come through USA Health University Hospital, our surgeons use reconstructive surgery to correct scarring and other conditions caused by burns, cuts, wounds and complex fractures.
The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic is located in the Strada Patient Care Center, Suite 2A.
This clinic offers free parking and complimentary Wi-Fi to patients and their guests.
At USA Health, our surgeons are specially trained in plastic and reconstructive surgery to care for your unique needs.
Browse ProvidersAs an academic medical center, USA Health continuously conducts research and searches for break-through advancements to help educate our fellow healthcare providers and the community.
Learn More“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel.
Spirit of Children has surpassed $400,000 in total donations to Children’s & Women’s Hospital.
USA Health became one of nine healthcare systems to win the 2024 Human Experience (HX) Achievement Award for SSER® Reduction, achieving a 73% reduction in its system-level serious safety event rate.