Members of the Mapp Child and Family Life Department organize the event to help bring some of the Carnival spirit.
USA Health provides an unrivaled level of academic medicine to the region. From our highly trained providers to our specialties and facilities, we are transforming medicine.
Maybe you're planning to visit a friend or family member who is in the hospital. Maybe you want to accompany them on an office visit. Or you may be interested in supporting our healthcare mission by becoming a volunteer. Whatever the case, we try to provide answers to the many questions you may have about USA Health.
USA Health consists of two hospitals, a cancer treatment and research center, multiple physician clinics and many other facilities. Learn more about each entity or find an address, directions and contact information about specific locations.
Our facilities offer a variety of services and amenities to make your visit more convenient and comfortable. Find out what's offered at each location.
We offer an extensive menu selection of healthy options to patients and visitors throughout the day.
The Class Act program is a cooperative effort between Children's & Women's Hospital and the Mobile County Public School System that helps pediatric patients stay on track academically while in the hospital.
Parking at Children's & Women's Hospital is free for all patients and visitors.
Visit our gift shop to purchase gifts, magazines, cards, toiletries, flowers and other items. Click below for more information and hours of operation.
Located in a natural setting along the entrance drive to Children's & Women's Hospital, the park provides a tranquil place where children and families can relax and enjoy outdoor sculptures while taking in the peacefulness that nature provides.
The Mapp Child and Family Life Program is in place to help support families with hospitalized children.
Families whose children are hospitalized find a quiet place in the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms. Here they can relax for a short time away from their children, do laundry, shower and have a cup of coffee and snacks.
The Tree House is a playroom available to all pediatric patients of all ages who are not on isolation precautions.
Visiting hours vary in each unit at Children's & Women's Hospital.
We offer free wireless access from anywhere inside the hospital to all of our patients and visitors.
Complimentary valet parking is available at the front door of MCI. Additional patient parking and handicapped parking areas are located to the east and south of the building.
At MCI we offer wigs, scarfs, hats, bra prostheses and bra options for patients who cannot afford to purchase these items.
Cancer patients on some therapies at the USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute can now fill uncommon prescriptions at MCI’s specialty pharmacy.
We offer free wireless access from anywhere inside MCI to all of our patients and visitors.
The University Hospital cafeteria is located on the second floor. We offer healthy food choices that include fresh fruits and vegetables at our soup, salad and sandwich bar.
Our gift shop, operated by the University Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary, is located on the first floor of the facility. Visit us to purchase gifts, magazines, cards, toiletries, flowers and other items.
Visiting hours vary in each unit at University Hospital.
We offer free wireless internet from anywhere inside the hospital to all of our patients and visitors.
We offer free wireless internet to our patients and visitors at all USA Health clinics and physician offices.
Parking at all USA Health clinics and physician offices is free for all patients and visitors.
Make a positive impact on your community by volunteering. Discover what opportunities are available.
We appreciate your support of our continued mission in the community to help people lead longer, healthier lives.
USA Health has received the following awards:
Through education and research, we are training tomorrow's caregivers and transforming medicine throughout the region.
Learn MoreThrough our clinical trials program, we offer treatment options not yet available to the general public. Find out about our clinical trials program.
Learn MoreMembers of the Mapp Child and Family Life Department organize the event to help bring some of the Carnival spirit.
The Coker family hopes sharing DeVyn’s experience may help others who are fighting similar battles: “God knew that she was the strongest of us all. She is the strongest and most gracious warrior we know.”
The selection process was highly competitive with selection committee members basing their choices on professional accomplishments and impact on education.
Our calendar lists special events and regularly scheduled classes separately. To display a list of upcoming classes, select the "Classes" option above or visit Events, Classes and Support Groups at USA Health.
Can you see it? Click on the "Reveal" button to reveal what we're seeing at USA Health