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Caring Connections

Would you like to send patients or employees a positive, uplifting message?

USA Health's Caring Connections Program lets you send a word of encouragement or a kind thought to loved ones and USA Health employees.

General messages for all patients and employees will be distributed digitally or displayed on television monitors in our facilities. Names or other identifying information will be removed prior to posting to protect patient privacy.

Personal messages for patients and employees will be communicated to the specified recipient.

If you'd like to send your own handwritten card or craft, please email an image to Photos containing people or inappropriate content will not be shared.

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USA Health is partnering with the Alabama Department of Public Health to offer PSA tests to screen for prostate cancer through the USA Health Lower Alabama Prostate Outreach Project (LA POP).


USA Health is partnering with the Alabama Department of Public Health to offer PSA tests to screen for prostate cancer through the USA Health Lower Alabama Prostate Outreach Project (LA POP).


USA Health is partnering with the Alabama Department of Public Health to offer PSA tests to screen for prostate cancer through the USA Health Lower Alabama Prostate Outreach Project (LA POP).


The objectives of this symposium are to teach attendees how to perform a pediatric echocardiography with the segmental approach and how to understand the anatomy and identify basic forms of congenital heart disease including atrial septal defects, ventricular septal defects, and patent ductus arteriosus.


USA Health is partnering with the Alabama Department of Public Health to offer PSA tests to screen for prostate cancer through the USA Health Lower Alabama Prostate Outreach Project (LA POP).

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