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Bright Ideas

At USA Health, we're always looking for new ways to help patients lead longer, better lives. If you have an idea for how we can improve something or make it more efficient, we want to know! Please fill out the form below. We would love to follow-up with you about your suggestion, but anonymous submissions are also welcome.

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An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


On March 29, USA Health Mobile Unit is coming to you! This event will provide free PSA screenings for qualified groups.


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


Local Goodness, presented by the USA Foundation, is a farm-to-table event that pays tribute to local cuisine and music while raising awareness and support for USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital.


Our calendar lists special events and regularly scheduled classes separately. To display a list of upcoming classes, select the "Classes" option above or visit Events, Classes and Support Groups at USA Health.

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